mercredi 8 mai 2019

Open survey N°4 : 60 seconds to move forwards to the next generation Enterprise Architecture

Your experience with Enterprise Architecture
  • Would you consider that an Enterprise Architecture has been put in place in your company? 
  • Would you assess that an Enterprise Architecture has helped your IT department to deliver better IT systems to the business deparments? 
  • Would you state that an Enterprise Architecture has been a key instrument to increase your company financial performances? 
  • Would you state that an Enterprise Architecture has helped your company in managing relationships with its direct business partners (customers and suppliers)?
Enterprise Architecture and the Art of Management
  • Can you quote [name] two Enterprise Architecture frameworks? 
  • Would you feel comfortable to describe to a junior employee the outputs [not the outcomes] of an Enterprise Architecture versus these of an IT architecture? 
  • Do you know the two Ancient Greek words that compose “architecture” ? 
  • Would you think that “Chief Enterprise Architect” would better reflect the mission and activities of a Strategy Vice President ?
On next generation Enterprise Architecture practices
  •  Would you expect some major changes in current Enterprise Architecture practices to deal with Enterprise 2.0 (as defined by Pr. Andrew McAfee) ? 
  • Would you expect some major changes in current Enterprise Architecture practices to deal with Cloud Computing ? 
  • Would you think that current Enterprise Architecture practices are aligned to an Open Innovation (as defined by Pr. Henry Chesbrough) strategy that would be pursued by the businesses? 
  • Would you think that an “intellectual property architecture” should be part of an “information/data architecture ”?